Parent Information
Classroom Hours
Nursery and VPK
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-2pm
Mon-Fri: 8:30am-3pm
Mon-Thurs: 8:30am-4pm
Mon & Wed: 8:30am – 4:00pm
Tues & Thurs: 8:30am – 4:45pm
Fri: 8:30am – 1:45 pm
Drop Off & Pick Up
Mornings can get busy at home and sometimes families may be in a rush. At the end of a long day, families are anxious to get home. Safety, however, is our top priority.
Please familiarize yourself and your children will these Drop-Off Line and Pick-Up Line rules so that we can all arrive and leave school safely.
Parents are asked to enter the Torah Academy driveway carefully and slowly. Please keep in mind that there is a blind spot as you come around the curve.
Drop-Off Guidelines
- Please pull up to the school entrance, coming around the circle to the right. Traffic in the circle is only one way.
- Beginning at 8:15am and continuing until 8:30am, a staff member will be outside to greet your child. After 8:30am, please park in a designated parking spot and walk your child into school – they must be signed in.
- It is important to park in a marked parking space. Never leave your car right in front of the school. For security reasons, the circle must be kept clear at all times.
- Please DO NOT ever leave a baby or small child – sleeping or otherwise – in a car alone, whether the car is locked or unlocked.
Pick-Up Guidelines
- Only two cars will be loaded at a time. Please pull up to the school entrance gate and the staff member on duty will call your children to the car. All children will be escorted to the car. Students who run ahead without an adult will be asked to return to the starting point and begin walking to the car again, properly.
- As you leave the Torah Academy driveway, please come to a full stop as marked. There are often walkers and bikers on San Jose Blvd, as well as older students who walk or bike home by themselves.
After School Late Stay
After-care is provided for children after school ends for the day at the rate of $5.00 per hour, per child. Students must be pre-enrolled in after-care before utilizing the service and must be picked up promptly. Continued attendance at after-care is contingent on proper behavior during after-care.
Lunch In School
The Torah Academy of Jacksonville is an orthodox school and we are honored to cater to a diverse student body. Thank you for respecting our commitment to Kashrut.
A major part of orthodox Jewish life is keeping kosher and as such, all foods brought into the Torah Academy must be certified kosher. If you are unsure if a certain food is acceptable, please ask the Head of School – or any of our Judaic Studies faculty – and they will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have in a sensitive and caring manner.
School Lunch Policy:
The Torah Academy’s policy mandates that students bring lunch from home on a daily basis. All lunches must be dairy or pareve. No meat meals are allowed in school.
School Snacks/Shabbos Parties/Birthday Parties:
All snacks must have a proper kosher certification. Families may opt to purchase large bags of snacks and portion the snacks out into sandwich bags – please be sure that the original packaging bears an acceptable kosher symbol.
Home-baked goods may not be brought into the Torah Academy building at any time for public consumption – ie, a birthday party or Shabbos party. Sending home baked goods as part of your child’s snacks is perfectly fine.
Snacks for Shabbos parties and birthday parties must be store-purchased with an acceptable kosher certification. These snacks may be dairy or pareve.
All Torah Academy employees are required by law to report any suspected case of child abuse, abandonment or neglect, as well as alleged misconduct by instructional personnel or school administrators which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student.
Such indicators may include but are not limited to:
Unexplained bruises or welts
Unexplained burns
Unexplained fractures
Unexplained cuts abrasions
Verbal abuse